There’s not much room for conceit when you are among 72 young adults who are committed to connecting their faith in Jesus with one another. This is the body of Christ. Thanks be to God for all the good work that the Greenhouse Collective is doing to equip these people for ministry. Here are the six different ministry groups represented in this photo. 1. FAITH LUTHERAN GREENHOUSE in Hutchinson, MN. 2. THE WORLD MISSION PRAYER LEAGUE DISCIPLESHIP HOUSE in Minneapolis, MN. 3. TRINITY GREENHOUSE, in San Pedro, CA. 4. THE AWAKEN PROJECT based at Mount Carmel. 5. MOUNT CARMEL MINISTRIES SUMMER STAFFERS 6. CANADIAN LUTHERAN BIBLE INSTITUTE in Alberta, Canada. If you would like a copy of this photo for your prayer wall or just to celebrate these wonderful young people gathering together, send us an email at We would love to share this God blessed event with you and its implications for all of us in the Kingdom of God.
Those who cling to worthless idols turn away from God's love for them.
Jonah 2:8 NIV
Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility regard others as better than yourselves.
Philippians 2:3
Lover of all, I am comforted in the assurance that your love is for me. I am grateful that your love is for all others, too. Sometimes my ambitions grow into conceit, leaving no room for my humility and your love. I am ashamed and sorry. Lover of all people, help me to love more generously and unconditionally. Amen.
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