April 10, 2024

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NORWAYCAST Listening to Jesus creates the power to forgive (Isaiah 43:3; Luke 9:35-36)

“IT’S GOOD TO BE ABLE TO BE RECONCILED.” This statement is the translation of the headline in the Ringsaker Blad newspaper (April 6, 2024) that featured an article about Berger Johan Hareide (picture taken from the news paper). He has helped raise the importance of forgiveness and reconciliation in his community of Brumunddal, Norway. We asked him to join us today and Friday to explain his work since Ground Up Grace is committed to helping all of us lead forgivin’ livin’ lives. Berger Johan is a friend of Sonja and Johan. Johan first met him in 1958-59 when his family lived in Brumunddal for the school year.

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Daily Texts for 04/10/2024
Old Testament Verse

I am the LORD your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.
Isaiah 43:3

New Testament Verse

Then from the cloud came a voice that said, "This is my Son, my Chosen; listen to him!" When the voice had spoken, Jesus was found alone.
Luke 9:35-36


Almighty God, I praise and worship you with the glory due your holy name. Thank you for the compassionate mercy you show me, speaking in words I can hear through Jesus Christ. Help me listen and respond with a humble heart, serving others who seek your presence in their lives. Make my life a reflection of your love. Amen.

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Wednesday, April 10, 2024

I realling enjoyed the dialogue on forgiveness/reconciliation with Berger Johan on a very difficult memory where he and his family would have every good reason to be bitter and to not forgive. The will to forgive. Amen.

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