April 12, 2024

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NORWAYCAST God’s work of reconciliation and forgiveness (part 2) (Ezekiel 16:62; Romans 9:16)

There is a Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous weekend starting tonight at Servant of the Shepherd Church, 103 N 4th St, in River Falls, WI. It is a FREE event. This event is for people who suffer from any addiction, like people pleasing, perfectionism, workaholism, etc. You are invited to join others like you who need to learn how to get free from what controls your life. St. Patrick gave his witness a few weeks ago on how he got free by making an amend to the man he had hurt. He was able to live free from guilt. This weekend will help you discover this same freedom and help others to experience the same. Join others like yourself who need to be free. The PUSH opera in Norway is about Simon Gronowski. It is about his story of reconciliation and forgiveness with the Nazi soldier who rounded up his parents and sent them to Auschwitz. Read more in this newspaper article. https://www.brusselstimes.com/236200/my-story-is-a-miracle

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Daily Texts for 04/12/2024
Old Testament Verse

I will establish my covenant with you, and you shall know that I am the LORD.
Ezekiel 16:62

New Testament Verse

So it depends not on human will or exertion but on God who shows mercy.
Romans 9:16


Merciful God, you are worthy of honor and praise for your wondrous works. Thank you for redeeming me in my helplessness before I knew your name. You pledged your love, and I pledged mine, but I turned away. Forgive me, Lord, for I am saved by grace alone and by grace will worship you as my Lord forever. Amen.

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