May 10, 2024

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Grace Prayers And Our Good Shepherd’s Voice (Leviticus 26:9; Luke 12:32)

5 steps for Praying Under G.R.A.C.E. G: GRATITUDE. Read the Daily Texts aloud. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal in them what you need to hear. Allow for silence. Read them again. Then jot down your reflections. Focus on gratitude. What words of thanks can you write to your Lord? R: REGRET. How do your reflections help you see something that you regret and need to confess to God? In one sentence ask God to forgive you for one thing. A: ABSOLUTION. You may need someone to tell you that you are forgiven. When you meet with your group, use the absolution on pages 186-187. Now absolve someone who has hurt you. Consider using the words on the sheet. Bless the person as well. C: CONVERSATION. Rewrite the verses for today in a few sentences as if Jesus were saying them to you personally. Add your name a few times. Include a specific fear, if possible, that Jesus both identifies and helps you release. E: EXPRESS: What E-word expresses your feelings today? Encourage. Edify. Enlighten. Equip. Entertain. Etc. The Holy Spirit will help you take one action today based on your E-word.

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Daily Texts for 05/10/2024
Old Testament Verse

The LORD said, "I will look with favor upon you and make you fruitful and multiply you, and I will maintain my covenant with you."
Leviticus 26:9

New Testament Verse

Do not be afraid, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.
Luke 12:32


Good Shepherd, when you tenderly draw me into your eternal sheepfold, I know true rest. I am in awe that you continuously seek me and uphold your covenant promises. Help me confidently throw aside the pleasures of this world, love those in need, and not worry because I know I am a citizen in your perfect kingdom. Amen.

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