May 21, 2024

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(Irishcast) God Is Faithful (Isa 27v3 1 Cor 10v13)

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Daily Texts for 05/21/2024
Old Testament Verse

I, the LORD, am the vineyard's keeper; every moment I water it. I guard it night and day so that no one can harm it.
Isaiah 27:3

New Testament Verse

God is faithful, and he will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the testing he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it.
1 Corinthians 10:13


Faithful God, thank you for watching over my life. I know that you are with me day and night. In that blessed place, I am safe and secure. When I am tested, help me to trust you as guard and guide. As I live in your promises, may I encourage others to believe and trust in you. Amen.

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