July 3, 2024

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Glorify God with your bodies (1 Cor 6:20)

How do we glorify God with our bodies? This TV tower in East Berlin was meant to glorify the Communist power in East Germany. As you can see from the photo, they did not get their way. All of us have the privilege to glorify God with our bodies when we are under the grace of God in Jesus. (Romans 6:12-14). Everyone else is in bondage to sin and they cannot help themselves but try to glorify themselves. This tower is an example of how humans are prisoners and helpless when under the law and not under the grace we have in Jesus.

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Daily Texts for 07/03/2024
Old Testament Verse

Rend your hearts and not your clothing. Return to the LORD your God!
Joel 2:13

New Testament Verse

You were bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body.
1 Corinthians 6:20


My God, you know my heart inside and out. I cannot keep it clean. Only your grace and mercy purifies me. Thank you for being slow to anger. You deliver love faithfully that does not quit. Open the eyes of my heart to see my body as your gift to me. Amen.

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