August 19, 2024

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(Sharecast) Testimonial: Eating Disorder Overcome By The Daily Texts (Psalm 37:8; 1 Thessalonians 5:15)

Our friends Mark and Barbie tell a powerful testimony of how the regular use of the “Daily Texts” by their family led to the healing of their daughter. Many of us have had moments when the word of God as revealed in the “Daily Texts” changed our lives in a significant way. The 2025 books are now on sale. The cover theme, “guide our feet into the way of peace,” comes from the words of Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist. We know the verses in the “Daily Texts” have the power to guide our feet (and even more in our lives) into the way of peace. As you consider buying your books this year, think about someone with whom you could share what these texts have meant to you. Then buy them a copy of the “Daily Texts 2025.” Go to the “Daily Texts” store on this website to order yours or you can call our number, (763)-260-1057. Keep praying for all the people who need to hear a word from our Lord to set them free.

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Daily Texts for 08/19/2024
Old Testament Verse

Refrain from anger and forsake wrath. Do not fret-it leads only to evil.
Psalm 37:8

New Testament Verse

See that none of you repays evil for evil, but always seek to do good to one another and to all.
1 Thessalonians 5:15


Loving God, I know your love and forgiveness have saved me and given me hope, when in my own wisdom and strength I was lost and without hope. Forgive my quick temper and lead me deeper into your grace and patience. May I bless others through an experience of your goodness and strengthen them in hope too. Amen.

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Do you want to engage further? We are working on a place for listeners like you to provide feedback. You will be able to share your insights on the daily verses with others in our podcast community. Stay tuned!

Daily Texts 2025

Place your orders for 2025 books today.

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