August 30, 2024

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We Have A Wonderful Counselor (Ps 33:11; Eph 1:11)

“Let the coastlands be glad” is the theme of our 14 day Ireland and Edinburgh tour. It begins today and continues through Thursday September 12. We will be making our podcasts as a part of our tour so you will be able to follow along as we carry this pilgrimage of Christ to the land which St Patrick and CS Lewis both share as spiritual homes. Our leader is Samuel Chestnutt. He has a theology of travel which we will share in the coming two weeks. But a primary element is his understanding that we are created to “explore, marvel and share” the goodness of God’s creation. Any earthly journey we take needs to have this understanding that our Lord has created us to enjoy His creation. And while we have this vision for earthly adventures, Samuel helps us understand that our Heavenly Father has created us for a new heaven and a new earth where we will spend eternity exploring, marveling and sharing the goodness of our God and the fullness of His grace. Please pray for us as we travel. We want to make the coastlands glad with the presence of Jesus.

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Daily Texts for 08/30/2024
Old Testament Verse

The counsel of the LORD stands forever.
Psalm 33:11

New Testament Verse

In Christ we have also obtained an inheritance, having been destined according to the purpose of him who accomplishes all things according to his counsel and will.
Ephesians 1:11


Eternal God, I wish I could always see events in the world from a long and broad perspective. I confess my impatience. Forgive me for clinging to my narrow perspective, and help me wisely to wait for things to unfold in your time and way. Help me to realize that I don't always know what I think I know. Amen.

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