January 15, 2025

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(Familycast) Sexual Love In Marriage (Exodus 20:14; 1 Cor 7:3)

The discussion of our sexual life in marriage is at the heart of today’s podcast. Our friend and mentor, Ingrid Trobisch, not only introduced us to praying the “Daily Texts” but also to an understanding of married love. She and her husband, Walter, spent many years helping people discover the joy of married living in the way that God intended. One of Ingrid’s helpful insights to many of us is “The Marriage Tent.” In this illustration, Ingrid helped us see how the tent is an image of God’s plan to give married love a shelter from the storms of the world. Each corner of the tent has a theme or purpose found in the passage from Genesis 2:24. When these are in tact, our marriages create a shelter for our lives. The problem is that when we fail to live by the word that God gives us in Genesis we create the tent according to our own ideas and not God’s. The result of our sexual rebellion as discussed in today’s podcast is that we experience a “hungry” marriage. The joy of “one flesh” has been lost. Pray for the renewal of “one flesh” in your marriage and in those people for whom you pray.

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Daily Texts for 01/15/2025
Old Testament Verse

You shall not commit adultery.
Exodus 20:14

New Testament Verse

The husband should give to his wife her conjugal rights, and likewise the wife to her husband.
1 Corinthians 7:3


Creator of all life, I am grateful your word teaches me how to live respectfully with others. Thank you for highlighting the importance of loved ones honoring their intimate love. I am blessed that you choose to be in close communion with me. Give me grace to choose to live with your love and forgiveness for myself and for others. Amen.

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