Humans need God’s help in singing praises. It is not natural to us. There are some members of God’s creation that do not need help when it comes to lifting their voice in song. But for you and me we need the Holy Spirit to intervene. The Spirit touches our hearts in forgiveness and then opens our mouth to begin our worship of our Lord. And the wonderful reality is that as we start to praise God, the singing becomes more and more comfortable and enjoyable. So no heart for praise? Ask the Spirit to open your lips and then just begin to sing.
O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will declare your praise.
Psalm 51:15
Peter and John said, "We cannot keep from speaking about what we have seen and heard."
Acts 4:20
Glorious Lord, your love, abundance, and grace invite me to sing your praises. And so I do. I praise you for being my salvation. I am overjoyed that you provide me with life's abundance. I am filled with gratitude that you lift me up when I am down. I will announce your good news to any who will listen. Amen.
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