May 1, 2024

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What four letter word does Jesus use to connect you to HImself that is missing in this image?

Today’s verse from Jeremiah gives us the one word that may be the most important word our Lord will ever say to you. You may even want to write this verse out on a separate sheet of paper and tape it to your mirror or a book. This is what we call the Shepherd’s Voice when we hear our name spoken to us from Jesus in His promises. So here is how you could write this out for your self. “(Start with your NAME), don’t be afraid when you go through trials or any kind of suffering because I am with you (NAME). Hold onto this promise for you (NAME) because you need to know that I am holding onto you, and I will never let you go (NAME). I chose you (NAME) and I came to earth to share in your struggles and challenges so that you can always turn to me and know that I am with you.”

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Daily Texts for 05/01/2024
Old Testament Verse

I am with you, says the LORD, to save you.
Jeremiah 30:11

New Testament Verse

Because he himself was tested by what he suffered, he is able to help those who are being tested.
Hebrews 2:18


Enduring Love, my heart rests knowing you are constant. When the things of this world crumble around me, I begin to lose hope. But even in the breakdown, you stand solid and provide me with a firm foundation. In times of need, help me set aside my pride to better trust in you. Amen.

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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Please share your reflections on the Shepherd’s Voice. Jesus’ voice overrules the other voices in my head that Kepler me bound up to my old self. I hear Jesus speaking to the new me.

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