May 2, 2024

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How important is the ear when it comes to faith? Paul declares that “faith comes by hearing.” (Romans 10:17) As a result, Martin Luther said (somewhere) that the ear is the organ of faith. For we come to faith in Christ by hearing the word proclaimed to us. By contrast, the eye is controlled by reason. Remember Jesus on the cross? What did people see? Their eyes saw a wretched man dying in misery. But what did the thief hear? The thief heard the proclamation, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” (LUKE 23:34) With his ears he believed he was forgiven. He trusted that this wretch was the King of the Universe. And he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your Kingdom.” (LUKE 23:42) He received paradise. Therefore you and I have this commission from Jesus to shut our eyes and open our mouths: “announce and proclaim to people everywhere that they are forgiven their resentment and their guilt for my sake so that they may hear with their ears and believe.”

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Daily Texts for 05/02/2024
Old Testament Verse

The LORD God said, "O that my people would listen to me."
Psalm 81:13

New Testament Verse

Continue securely established and steadfast in the faith, without shifting from the hope promised by the gospel that you heard.
Colossians 1:23


Unchanging God, I rejoice in the fact that my salvation, sanctification, and glorification come from what Christ has already done for me. Help me continue in faith by seeking out your voice and being steadfast to your promises. May I enthusiastically share with others your word that dwells richly in me. Amen.

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