July 19, 2024

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(Familycast) Welcome Home To The New Heavens And New Earth (Isaiah 65:17; Rev 21:1)

Join us at Mount Carmel from August 12-16. Come for the week or a few days. Renew your faith. Experience freedom from fear. Dr Dan vanVorhis will lead you into a deep discovery of how your life of faith is grounded in the testimony of Christians throughout history. You will receive a semester of significant insight into our faith story just by engaging Dan in his daily explorations with you. You get a discount of 20% by being a GUG listener. (SIGN UP TODAY!) https://www.mountcarmelministries.com/adults-of-all-ages-2/

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Daily Texts for 07/19/2024
Old Testament Verse

I am about to create new heavens and a new earth; the former things shall not be remembered.
Isaiah 65:17

New Testament Verse

Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away.
Revelation 21:1


God, my Creator, your promise of a new realty beyond the grave produces hope. In this imperfect world, pain and sadness fill human history. Everyone asks why a loving God would allow this. Your answer is the cross, but it's also in today's promise. Lead me to someone who needs to know the truth about your new earth. Amen.

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Friday, July 19, 2024

The week at Mount Carmel has Dan teaching in the morning and Sonja and Johan preaching at night. Patsy Baglien is our musician. Your presence will create the overflow of the Spirit. We are going to enjoy a foretaste of heaven. See you there.

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Do you want to engage further? We are working on a place for listeners like you to provide feedback. You will be able to share your insights on the daily verses with others in our podcast community. Stay tuned!

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