August 16, 2024

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(Familycast) Nels On Being A Son And A Father (Exodus 20:12; Romans 15:7)

Mount Carmel family camp ends its summer family and adult week long ministry today. This week has been a GUG week with Sonja and me preaching at Mount Carmel. Dr. Dan Van Voorhis has been teaching on church history with the theme of how does our understanding of church history set us free for ministry today. Dan is from the teaching ministry. He has a daily podcast, Chruch History Almanac, which is available through One blessed part of his being here this week is that in 2018, I met David and Cynthia Robinson in Minneapolis when they were coming to their son’s wedding. They had been helped tremendously through the podcasts and written material produced by I was working for at the time. That meeting in April of 2018 has led to the wonderful relationship we have enjoyed ever since which all of us experience with the Tuesday Irishcast. David and Cynthia will also be hosting us on our tour of Ireland and Scotland which begins on Friday, August 30. It was a gift to have their podcast playing for us with a teacher from at Mount Carmel.

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Daily Texts for 08/16/2024
Old Testament Verse

Honor your father and your mother.
Exodus 20:12

New Testament Verse

Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.
Romans 15:7


I thank you, God, for parents who gave me my humanity and sheltered my life while I wandered and wondered who I was. Now help me grow up into the salvation you have prepared for all your people, in thankfulness to all those who have shared your love with me, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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