August 21, 2024

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(Sharecast)Singing Through Our Suffering (Lam 3:41; James 5:13)

CELEBRATE GOSPEL FREEDOM WITH THE 500 YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF THE LUTHER’S WEDDING! In 1525, Martin and Katy discovered the freedom of becoming a married couple. We are going to retrace the steps of freedom in Christ that led to marriage as a gift of God for this monk and nun. In 1945, Berlin discovered the freedom from the Nazis and then in 1989, the freedom from the Soviets. We will walk the streets of Berlin and Leipzig to learn what freedom meant to these people and how praying the Daily Texts was part of setting the East Germans free. Dresden rebuilt its amazing cathedral after the awful fire bombing of that city by the Allies during WW 2. In this recreated center of freedom we will worship the One who makes all things work together for good. Herrnhut was a place of freedom for those persecuted Moravians who found refuge on the property of Zinzendorf. The Daily Texts became their life line of freedom to our Lord during their amazing history following in the steps of Jesus around the world as missionaries. Prague will reveal the roots of the Moravian faith in the life of Jan Hus. His convictions led him to stand fast for the gospel and the birth of a church that had 400,000 followers at the time of Martin Luther. We will explore his steps of freedom. We would love to have you join us in this amazing pilgrimage of freedom in Christ. Your land only cost is $4199 with the Prague extension add $1099. For more details scan the QR code or CONTACT or Johan and Sonja

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Daily Texts for 08/21/2024
Old Testament Verse

Let us lift up our hearts as well as our hands to God in heaven.
Lamentations 3:41

New Testament Verse

Are any among you suffering? They should pray. Are any cheerful? They should sing songs of praise.
James 5:13


Lord, thank you for keeping me with you through every experience. I'm sorry for dragging you through some of the mire in my life, even though I know you understand me better than I understand myself. Help me to entrust myself sincerely into your care and to believe in your wise guidance. Amen.

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