August 22, 2024

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(Carmelcast) Turn And Share (Jeremiah 15:19; Matt 10:32)

David and Alicia lead us through today’s conversation on the texts. As you consider how these verses speak to your life and faith, remember this couple in your prayers. With the Petersons, they will continue serving the ministry at Mount Carmel throughout the winter. There are many opportunities for you to enjoy this special place of grace and to get to know these two delightful children of God as well as others who will be a part of the ministry experience that were described in last week’s message. Consider joining the Mount Carmel experience this fall or winter or spring as housing is available for you to rent and to join in the Christian fellowship that is taking place there. “Come apart and rest awhile” is Jesus’ invitation for you at Mount Carmel (Mark 6:31).

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Daily Texts for 08/22/2024
Old Testament Verse

Thus says the LORD: If you turn back, I will take you back.
Jeremiah 15:19

New Testament Verse

Jesus said, "Everyone, therefore, who acknowledges me before others, I also will acknowledge before my Father in heaven."
Matthew 10:32


Jesus, my Savior and friend, sometimes I don't measure up to what people expect of me. To know that you know me and count me as your own dear friend is worth more to me than I can express. Teach me to love what you love. Help me to give my whole heart to you. Amen.

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