September 2, 2024

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(Tourcast) Healing Is By God’s Grace (Ps 147:3; 1 Peter 2:24)

Grimacing under grace? The picture shows a friend on our tour who is being absolved by his friends Jim and Dianne. The kiss of peace. As you can see from the photo, it is not always easy to receive forgiveness even when it leads to healing our brokenness. But healing our hurts always means letting Christ take them into himself. Our podcast has more stories of those who received the healing of our Lord and the wonderful way that God worked it out. Just two weeks ago we had the story of a young woman who was healed of anorexia through a word from God in the “Daily Texts.” Today you will hear more messages of how God brought healing to young woman who were struggling with this terrible disease. You know people who are hurting around you from many problems. Just know that our Lord will use you to bless them by using a Bible promise as these women today were blessed by hearing the word proclaimed over them. We are praying for you.

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Daily Texts for 09/02/2024
Old Testament Verse

The LORD heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.
Psalm 147:3

New Testament Verse

By his wounds you have been healed.
1 Peter 2:24


Great Physician, you know all. Only you can heal my broken heart and all my wounds, past and present. Heal me. I caused your wounds on the cross. Forgive me. Your pain makes me whole. Transform me to be a wounded healer. Today, make me bold to offer your healing touch. Show me who and when. Amen.

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