September 4, 2024

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(Tourcast) God’s Food Gets Us Going (1 Kings 19:5,8; Matthew 6:31)

Elijah was down in the dumps. God sent angels with special food (pies or cakes) to get him back on his feet. Today’s podcast shares some thoughts on how God uses food to get us going when our flesh is weak and maybe even our spirit is weak also. These pies were part of a delicacy yesterday afternoon on our GUG tour. We had braved the wind, the rains, the windy roads, and the cliffs of Moher. A little tasty dessert was just the answer we needed. Sorry we can’t bring any home. But God knows where you can get what you need to get you going today. He is the Bread of Life. And the “pie in the sky when you die” can actually be eaten now. That’s the promise of eternal life. You get to have it today. Taste and see what your Lord has prepared for you today!

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Daily Texts for 09/04/2024
Old Testament Verse

An angel touched Elijah and said to him, "Get up and eat." He got up and ate and drank; then he went in the strength of that food forty days and forty nights to Horeb the mount of God.
1 Kings 19:5, 8

New Testament Verse

Therefore do not worry, saying, "What will we eat?" or "What will we drink?" or "What will we wear?"
Matthew 6:31


Great Provider, thank you for supplying food and drink and all my daily needs. Sometimes you provide in unusual and unpredictable ways. Quench my worry. Take away my fear of loss or not having enough. Be sufficient for my every need. Make me generous. Today, help me provide for someone in need. Amen.

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