September 5, 2024

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(Theta) Needy Sheepy (Psalm 28

We are happy to announce that two of our needy sheep who needed to resolve a passport problem rejoined our community last night at dinner in Sligo. Our delight in having these friends with us again was great. Not quite like the angels in heaven who rejoice over the lost sheep coming back to the shepherd in Luke 15, since we knew that these friends were not lost forever. But the days apart were filled with prayers for working out the issues with the US Embassy in Dublin which resolved the problem in a speedy way for our needy sheep. Now each of us needs to remember that our Lord has called us to be the embassy for the all the lost sheep wandering in confusion on the earth. Let us seek daily how our Lord can use us as ambassadors to bring the lost ones back into His sheepfold, His bus!

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Daily Texts for 09/05/2024
Old Testament Verse

O save your people and bless your heritage; be their shepherd and carry them forever.
Psalm 28:9

New Testament Verse

When Jesus saw the crowds, he had compassion for them because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.
Matthew 9:36


Good Shepherd, thank you for always carrying me. So often, I act harassed and helpless, like a sheep without a shepherd. Still, you carry me and take care of me. Forgive and save me from my waywardness. I want to bless your heritage. Empower me to help the helpless and minister to the harassed. Amen.

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