September 6, 2024

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(Tourcast) Reaching Women In Jail With The “Daily Texts” (Daniel 9:18; Ephesians 2:8 9)

How do we break down the walls that divide us? We walked the 400 year old wall in the city of London Derry on Thursday. This city has known a divided spirit for many years especially when Bloody Sunday happened Jan 30, 1972. But our guide, dressed in yellow in the photo, said the past few decades have been the most peaceful here in a long time. One reason! No new laws have been written. Every time there’s a law someone gets offended and creates a reaction. Our GUG t-shirt says it from Romans 6:12-14. “Don’t live under law but under grace.” More laws make you more eager to break them. When you live under grace, the walls of hostility come down and love has the chance to grow again. Let God’s grace bring your inner walls down by living as a forgiving person, under grace.

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Daily Texts for 09/06/2024
Old Testament Verse

We do not present our supplication before you on the ground of our righteousness but on the ground of your great mercies.
Daniel 9:18

New Testament Verse

By grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God-not the result of works, so that no one may boast.
Ephesians 2:8-9


Gracious and merciful Jesus, you give me what I don't deserve: all good things. Though I am a sinner, you don't give me what I do deserve: condemnation and death. My "doing" cannot achieve my salvation. Nor can my unrighteous "doing" separate me from your love. Through your death and resurrection, you have declared me righteous. Praise to you! Amen.

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