(Irishcast) The Lord My Strength (Psalm 118:14; James 5 1:13)
Above is the Happy Exchange or Sweet Swap that Martin Luther teaches in the “Freedom of the Christian.” It is yours because Christ chooses you to be His bride. The image above is the first part of what Luther says in this paragraph of how Christ trades what is ours with what is His. This follows: “For, if Christ is a husband, he must needs take to himself that which is his wife's, and, at the same time, impart to his wife that which is his. For, in giving her his own body and himself, how can he but give her all that is his? And, in taking to himself the body of his wife, how can he but take to himself all that is hers?” So what does this mean to you? Jesus can say “I am your weakness, I am your insecurity, I am your lostness.” And we can say, BY FAITH, “You are MY STRENGTH, MY MIGHT, MY SALVATION.” So let FAITH step in and speak the words of faith out loud. Speak the words now!